The words “Fragrance” and/or “Parfum” on ingredient labels are an umbrella term for any combination of over 3,000 stock chemical ingredients, synthetic flavor and fragrances. Since fragrance formulas are protected under federal law's classification of trade secrets, manufacturers are permitted to leave their proprietary fragrance formulas undisclosed. Phthalates (DBP, DEHP, DEP and others) can be found in synthetic fragrances to make scents stick to the skin.
Sources of Exposure: Perfume, cologne, scented detergents and other scented products products, personal care products and cosmetics
Health Impacts: The main concern for Fragrance/Parfum is that it is likely to contain phthalates. Phthalates (e.g. dibutylphthalate, monobutyl phthalate, monoethyl phthalate) have been found to impair male reproductive function, inhibit hormone production, induce abnormal development of the testis and reproductive tract in male offspring, damage unborn children and is suspected of damaging fertility.