Silicones (-siloxane, -icone)

Product Group :

Sources of Exposure : 

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Description : 

Silicone chemicals (often ending in -siloxane, -icone, or -siloxy-) are not harmful to human health, but instead, represent issues to our environment. This means that once they are washed off and enter our waterways, they do not biodegrade and hence accumulate, and pose risk to aquatic organisms with unpredictable long-term detriment to our environment. For example, the European Commission classifies octameth­ylcyclotetrasiloxane (D4) and decameth­ylcyclopentasiloxane (D5) as persistent, bioaccum­ulative and toxic very persistent and very bioaccum­ulative substances, respectively. Other types of silicone chemicals, such as cyclohexasiloxane and various types of dimethicones and phenyl trimethicones, may pose similar risks to the environment.

Health Concerns 

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