Live a quality life by improving your heart health. Cardiovascular disease is the number one cause of death, regardless of gender or ethnicity [1].
Thankfully, heart disease can be preventable for those who follow a sensible exercise and diet routine. Boost your chances of living a longer, healthier life even more by limiting your exposure to Bisphenol-A (BPA).
Detox your body from plastic chemicals like BPA and support cardio wellness. More and more human health studies suggest a link between long-term exposure to BPA and cardiovascular disease [2]. Support this vital organ by decreasing your BPA levels. Follow these heart-healthy tips for preventive care against negative BPA health effects.
5 Ways to Support Heart Health While Exposed to BPA
Show your heart some love. Avoid the link between BPA and increased risk of heart disease by limiting your BPA exposures. Keep your ticker going strong with these BPA-free tips!
1. Know Thy BPA
We know. BPA is everywhere! Over 90% of people have traceable BPA levels in their blood [3]. Breathe a sigh of relief because our body can naturally detox from this chemical if we limit our BPA exposures!
Give your heart a break. Know what kind of items would have BPA in them.
BPA is a plastic chemical used to engineer
Polycarbonate plastic - A durable plastic used to make:
Food and drink bottles
Dental sealants
Sippy cups
Plastic cutlery
Glass replacements
Auto Parts
Epoxy resins - A flexible plastic used to make:
Art materials
Food and drink can liners
Saran wrap
Flooring sealants
Automotive adhesives
Receipt paper
Restorative dental parts
Get in touch with your health, not BPA. BPA on thermal receipt paper, saran wrap, or floor sealants can transfer easily to your hands, purse, or wallet.
2. Big Things, Small Starts
Don't stress getting rid of all BPA. It's almost impossible. Accomplish the possible. Simply limit your BPA exposures to improve your health.
Make these small changes first:
Eat clean - Buy organic whole foods not wrapped in plastic. Don’t store food in plastic containers.
Bulk-minded - Purchase bulk beans and rice, and store in glass containers rather than buying canned goods.
Paperless purchases - Opt for digital receipts or none at all.
Cleanse your routine - Shop Million Marker Approved Products.
Sweep it out - Regularly wet mop or vacuum the house and change air filters to eliminate BPA accumulated in household dust.
Get present - Limit your electronics usage.
Once these small gestures make their way into your routine, make a game plan to tackle the larger ones. Look into a green dentist to replace dental sealants or talk to an eco-friendly contractor about new flooring.
3. Eat Good, Feel Better
Strengthen your heart with a cardioprotective diet. About 1 in 20 people consume enough dietary fiber. Dietary fiber is essential for a healthy heart.
Fiber is the workout buddy your heart needs. Atherosclerosis and high LDL cholesterol are two common causes of heart disease. Both conditions can cause long-term inflammation that causes plaques to clog up arteries. The heart receives less blood to pump to and from the system. Consume 25-35mg of dietary fiber daily to experience heart health benefits.
Eat the rainbow. Put down the Skittles and grab a salad. Not only do salads provide plenty of fiber, but they bring a ton of colors, too.
Each color denotes different classes of antioxidants. Antioxidants fight off free radicals that could cause heart disease.
Try to buy organic produce when possible. Bring reusable produce bags with you as you shop. These eco-friendly choices aren't just good for the planet. They're also good for limiting BPA and heart disease concerns!
4. Cardio Exercise, Cardio Benefits
Strengthen your body, strengthen your heart. Running, jumping, and dancing are called cardio for a reason. They boost your cardio wellness.
Get your sweat-on at least 150 minutes per week. That's just a half-hour each session over five days.
Crush your cardio goals without being exposed to BPA by:
Rehydrating with filtered water in plastic-free water bottles.
Working out in polyester-free athletic apparel.
Finding your rhythm by listening to tunes via headphones made of FSC-certified wood and organic cotton.
Tending to aches with plastic-free products like Joy Organics' CBD Salve Stick or CBD Bath Bombs.
5. Learn What's Inside
Knowledge is power. Unlock a stronger heart and you by learning what's inside with Million Marker's Detect & Detox Test Kit. This mail-in BPA test will let you know if you have levels of BPA and its alternatives, including BPF and BPS.

Once you know your toxic chemical levels, you can address them. Uncover which of your products or lifestyle habits might be increasing your BPA exposures. Follow our personalized lifestyle suggestions to decrease your BPA exposure and improve your cardio wellness.
Have a heart for your heart. Detox your cardiovascular system from BPA with Million Marker's Detect & Detox Test Kit!
[1] https://www.cdc.gov/heartdisease/facts.htm
[2] https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0048969720364718#f0030
[3] https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0048969721008226#!
[4] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/labs/pmc/articles/PMC6124841
[5] https://www.ucsfhealth.org/education/increasing-fiber-intake
[6] https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/wellness-and-prevention/3-kinds-of-exercise-that-boost-heart-health