How Do I Stop My Skin From Being Dry? Ways to Prevent Dry Skin
What is the main cause of dry skin? It might be you! Are your long showers, personal care products, and diet the reasons why you have dry skin so often? Learn what causes dry skin on legs, hands, and face, and what you can do to minimize its frequency.
Ever find yourself wondering, “Why is my skin so dry?” before applying gobs of moisturizer to your body?
Spending time on personal care can be a relaxing way to unwind and prioritize your well-being. However, the products you use during your self-care sessions could have the opposite effect on your skin and wellness. On average, women apply 168 chemicals to their bodies every day, and men apply 85 chemicals [1]. Many of these chemicals are known to disrupt hormones, which can worsen or cause dry skin conditions like eczema [2]. Not to mention, there are other things you might do daily that can dry your skin out. Avoid chemical overload by learning the causes of dry skin all over the body and what to do about it!
What Causes Dry Skin to Occur?
Dry skin could be a wet blanket for a good day. Keep your skin hydrated and maintain its moisture to nourish your natural glow. Learn what causes dry skin to legs, face, and the rest of the body, and adjust your self-care routine to minimize these potential causes.
Long, Hot Showers
A scalding hot shower can feel great in the moment. But do you ever step out after and feel less than refreshed?
Long, hot showers can dry your skin out by stripping necessary oils away. Maybe skip the encore to your shower set list and wrap it up after a song or two.
Not only are we spending too long in the shower, but we are turning the temperature up too much. Cool it down. In fact, studies show that taking cold showers is good for the immune system [3]!
Lastly, how you take care of your skin after a shower matters. Aim to use plant oil-based products as opposed to lotions. Their effects are longer-lasting, providing a more moisturized glow and touch.
Alcohol-Based Products
A night out with drinks can make you feel dehydrated and in need of a self-care session the next day. Why would you want to put alcohol-based products on your skin, then? Alcohol dries out the skin, too!
Common products that contain alcohol include:
- Makeup removers
- Sanitizers
- Lotions
- Fragrances
- Shaving products
Reading is fundamental, even for skincare. Read ingredients labels to look for alcohol-based ingredients. Consider looking for alternatives to these products that contain fewer harsh chemicals.
No scent makes sense when it comes to skin health. Many fragrances contain phthalates that are endocrine disruptors and can mess with our hormone balances.
In the short term, these chemicals could cause red, itchy skin. However, they can also cause the skin to develop more serious conditions, including eczema [4].
Additionally, fragrances can irritate the skin and cause other irritation issues. Opt for a natural to stay fresh while still protecting your health and skin.
A natural, moisturized look is one of the best ways to look and feel refreshed. However, our everyday life choices can impact our skin’s hydration.
Drink plenty of water. This doesn’t mean only in the summertime when heat waves are at their peak. Indoor heating can also dehydrate your body…and dry out your skin.
Not only is your water intake important, but eating foods rich in electrolytes and water can help prevent dehydration. Start with the inside for that natural glow on the outside.
Dry Air
Maybe a gust of clean wind is what we need! Air pollution and a lack of exposure to fresh air can make our skin dry and dull.
Freshen things up in the air; freshen them up for your skin. Consider adding an air purifier by your desk, or cracking open those windows while you’re cooking.
In a cold area where you’d prefer not to let in any cold air? Add a pot of filtered water in front of the heat vents to add moisture to the air, or use a humidifier.
Lack of Essential Nutrients
We’ll say it over and over again, but looking your best starts with eating your best. To nourish your skin, you need to nourish your body with the right vitamins and minerals.
Crucial nutrients for skin care include:
- Vitamin A
- Vitamin D
- Vitamin E
- Omega fatty acids
Rather than just taking vitamins to supplement your nutrient deficiencies, consider incorporating more nutrient-dense foods into your diet. Wild salmon, organic carrots, and fresh spinach are great and easy options.
Also, try to get at least 15 minutes of sunlight exposure per day. The sun is our best source of Vitamin D. Just make sure you wear mineral sunscreen that is free from alcohol-based ingredients and fragrances!
Underlying Conditions and Leaky Gut
Our bodies have a fascinating way of communicating with us. Sometimes, dry skin, patches, or skin conditions are caused by other health problems. For instance, dry skin can be a sign of a leaky gut, which can worsen or accelerate the development of many diseases [5].
If you have dry skin or develop rashes often, consider seeing a dermatologist or rheumatologist. They can help you pinpoint the root causes of your skin conditions so that you can glow from the inside out!
What Are the Main Causes of Dry Skin?
Dry skin can be caused by a variety of factors, including environmental conditions (such as low humidity, cold weather, and harsh winds), frequent bathing with hot water, and the use of harsh soaps or detergents, among other factors.
We live in a world that markets new products to us daily, and we can often feel pressured to buy into overconsumption. Many times, these products actually do more harm for us than good.
Learn what’s inside with Million Marker’s Detect & Detox Test Kit. Get personalized recommendations for reducing your exposure to harmful chemicals like phthalates and other chemicals that can disrupt your hormones…and your skin’s glow.
Simple changes and sticking to a regular routine can make a bigger difference than you think for your health and your confidence.