Every dietary decision can have a positive or negative effect on your health.
Boost your wellness and chances of conception by incorporating fertility-boosting foods into your menu plans. Whip up some foodporn with these delicious foods for conceiving!
Eat Like You’re Trying to Conceive
Bye-Bye Phthalates, Hello Fertility!
Reclaim your health with organic whole foods. Protect your body from toxic chemicals used during manufacturing or packaging, like phthalates.
Phthalates are endocrine disrupting chemicals that can disrupt your hormones. Trying to conceive can be frustrating enough. Lessen the struggle with a diet for conceiving.
So, what foods are high in phthalates?
Processed foods
Baked goods
Plastic-packaged items
Dairy products
And More
Making small dietary changes can limit your phthalate exposure and improve future generations of children. Moms-to-be who consume a high-phthalate diet may impact their child's sperm.
Reduce exposures to phthalates that are impacting up to 98% of American citizens by:
Cooking together in the kitchen rather than dining out.
Keeping those yummy leftovers in phthalate-free containers.
Dining on fresh foods instead of packaged “goods.”
Storing organic produce in reusable containers in the Million Marker Kitchen Detox Starter Kit.
Swapping in some plant protein a couple of meals per week.
Cook Up Good Health with The Best Foods For Fertility
Fad diets can be limiting. A diet to increase fertility can be limitless.
Create endless possibilities by:
Detoxifying with fiber:
Whole grains
Leafy greens
Eliminate excess hormones and keep your blood sugar balanced with 25-30mg of fiber daily.
Upgrading to high-fat:
Whole milk
Wild-caught fish
Swapping out your low-fat yogurt or milk for a high fat option may decrease your risk of infertility.
Pump up the antioxidants:
Foods high in zinc and folate have been linked to higher levels of fertility in women.
Iron and Vitamin C: A Powerhouse in Fertility Health
Iron and vitamin C are essential components to optimizing your fertility. Although both are produced naturally in our bodies, we need to supplement with a nutrient-dense diet and toxic-free lifestyle to help maximize our reproductive health and fertility. A nutrient-dense diet is crucial to obtaining iron and vitamin C. Beneficial reproductive health effects have been observed from an iron and vitamin C rich diet. In fact, an eating pattern rich in iron that comes from vegetables and supplements may lower the risk of ovulatory infertility among other benefits.
Lucky for you, vitamin C and iron rich foods that increase your fertility are available in abundance. We’ve compiled a list of the best foods for fertility you should be incorporating into your diet to boost your fertility potential.
Veggies, Liver, and Oysters Oh My!
Vegetables are one of the best ways to get in your nutrient needs. But you don’t just need to eat veggies to get your iron and vitamin C needs - (though, you should be having a healthy amount of veggies anyways!) Foods that increase fertility in women can be found in the freezer, in the produce aisle, or even in your garden!
Toss these in with some carbs and a protein source. You won’t even notice you’re eating veggies because of how delicious these taste roasted with olive oil, salt, and pepper! Asparagus is a great source of prebiotics, which are carbohydrates that feed healthy gut bacteria.
You don’t have to just have avocado toast. These trendy fruits go well in rice bowls, in a sandwich, or even as a dessert when smashed and mixed with coconut sugar. Avocados have high levels of vitamin E which has been implicated in improving the lining of the uterus.
Beans, beans are good for the heart. They’re also great for fertility. They are packed with iron, calcium, zinc and folate, all of which are necessary for conception. In addition, beans are an excellent source of fiber, which helps your body eliminate toxins!
Bee Pollen
Make a buzz at brunch with bee pollen! Bee pollen has been shown to ease symptoms of menopause. Pour some in your morning tea or evening waffles for some delicious, nutrient-dense flavor. Products with bee pollen were shown to be a possible therapeutic aid to male infertility.
You don’t need lipstick with these veggies! These diva veggies like to leave their mark on your tongue and your health! Mix in cut-up beets with some arugula, or toss it on top of avocado toast with balsamic glaze for an instant hit.
You can’t go wrong with some fresh berries at… any meal to be honest! On top of yogurt bowls, in salads, or alone by the mouthful - these antioxidant treats are irresistible. Goji berries, in particular, have been shown to play a possible role in helping fertility.
Nope - we’re not encouraging you to gulp down a mouthful of cinnamon, like those who participated in the cinnamon challenge. But a sprinkle over some peanut butter toast or in oven baked brownies wouldn’t hurt! In fact, it may help a lot. Cinnamon has been shown to play a possible role in jumpstarting menstrual cycles in women with polycystic ovary syndrome.
Citrus Fruits
Ooh! Did you just bite into a lemon? We recommend saving that fruit as a squeezable side on salads and meats, but feel free to chow down on grapefruit, oranges, and other citrus fruits. In addition to vitamin C, these fruits have a high concentration of B-vitamins, which have been implicated in healthy ovulation.
Cod Liver Oil
We promise it’s not as bad as it sounds. Pop these supplements in and watch these fatty acids foster a vaginal environment that is ideal for conception.
Cooked Tomatoes
We’ll keep it real - canned tomatoes are not the way to go! Toxic chemicals such as BPA and polyethylene can be hiding in the walls of those cans and sneaking into the tomatoes. Opt for fresh, organic tomatoes that can be diced up into a salad or blended up with oregano and parmesan to make a delicious pasta sauce. Lycopene is found in tomatoes, and it has been tentatively linked to boosting sperm count in men.
Dark Leafy Greens
These greens are delicious raw with some organic vinaigrette dressing or chopped up in the pan and served cooked with fresh rice and salmon. Kale not your cup of tea? Try rainbow chard, bok choy, collard greens, arugula, or dandelion greens. Certain dark leafy greens like arugula contain folate, which is a B vitamin that has been said to improve ovulation.
Egg Yolk
How can you not love eggs? In pancake mix, on bread, boiled, and cut up in a salad - the options are endless! An egg a day keeps the toxins away, as egg yolk has choline which may improve the development of your baby’s spinal cord, brain, and cognitive abilities.
Full-fat Dairy
Leave all the fat in that glass - your fertility will thank you! A regular consumption of full-fat dairy products (a glass or two a day of full-fat milk will do it!) was linked to increased fertility. Don’t like chugging a glass of milk? Opt for cheese, yogurt, cottage cheese, or heavy cream.
Need a high protein alternative to meat? We got you! Lentils are a great source of protein that will keep you full longer and satisfied. Boiled and blended into a soup, served on a warm bed of rice, or cooked in a curry, lentils are limitless. Lentils also contain high concentrations of the polyamine spermidine, which may help sperm in fertilizing the egg.
Liver has been considered a delicacy in many different cuisines. Today, we know that the health benefits of this small but nutrient packed food is bountiful. In particular, oestrogen receptors in liver are important for maintaining fertility.
Rubbing your head because you’re not sure what this exceptional root is? Maca root, most often found in a powder form, is a plant with high levels of iron and iodine. Have a scoop or a supplement a day to easily meet your iron needs.
Mature Cheeses
Eat more cheese? Say less. Whether it’s Cheddar, Gruyere, or Gouda, aged cheeses are better for your digestive system and they don’t taste half bad (they’re amazing!) Served with crackers or grated on pasta, there are many ways to get this nutrient-dense food in. Mature cheeses are high in polyamines which can increase fertility.
Need to spice up the bedroom? A sensual dinner may just do the trick. Oysters are an aphrodisiac that may help with arousal and intimacy, particularly during your fertility journey, which can be stressful at times.
Do you like pineapple smoothies and getting caught in the rain🎶 This nutrient-dense and antioxidant-rich fruit packs a punch with its sweet and tangy flavors. Cut them up for a yogurt parfait or blend them into a spinach smoothie. Pineapple contains bromelain, which may improve implantation by increasing blood flow to the uterus, thereby improving fertility.
Commonly known for their aphrodisiac effects, these fruits also have spicy health benefits! Sprinkle them into your choice of greens and crumbled feta, or eat them by the handful. Pomegranates have been shown to boost nitric oxide, which is great for promoting male sperm.
These brain-boosting fish are loaded with omega-3 fatty acids that will keep you on your mental A-game. We recommend baking these with olive oil and your choice of spices and serving it alongside rice and a cooked leafy green salad. Beware of canned fish which may expose you to BPA and polyethylene. Oily fish may play a role in regulating hormone levels, boosting sperm production, and increasing blood flow to the sexual organs.
Popeye recommends this green! You may not grow his muscles, but consuming spinach will expose you to high levels of vitamin A and C, iron, and folic acid, which are critical to maintaining and improving fertility. We like to throw these on the pan to knock out a large serving size of these greens!
Sunflower Seeds
This is a small but mighty snack! Don’t like them plain? Sunflower seeds can be found in a variety of flavors such as ranch, sriracha, and barbecue (just make sure the spices don’t contain any unnecessary, toxic additives). Sunflower seeds contain vitamin E and omega fatty acids that are important to boost sperm count and motility.
Sweet Potatoes
PotatO potAto, give us a sweet potato! These are a great carbohydrate source and can be paired with peanut butter for a sweet midnight snack or seasoned with savory spices for dinner. Rich in vitamin A, sweet potatoes have been shown to boost reproductive success in animal models.
Rice, you better watch out! There’s a new grain in town. Quinoa has more protein than rice which will keep you fuller longer. Additionally, quinoa and other whole grains contain fiber which can promote healthy hormone levels. Pair this with your favorite protein source (we recommend chicken! Organic, and free-range, of course) and vegetables for a satiating and satisfying meal. Quinoa contains folate and zinc, which can promote reproductive health.
The star of summer! You can’t go wrong with some fresh watermelon and lime on a hot day. Craving some and it’s not 90 degrees outside? Watermelon goes great in fresh juices or cut up in a feta and balsamic vinaigrette salad. Watermelon contains lycopene which can help with sperm motility.
Not all foods are fertility-friendly!
Not all foods are your friends! Some foods contain ingredients and are prepared in a way that can actually hurt your fertility journey and impair your reproductive health. These are the foods to avoid when you’re trying to conceive:
Excessive Red Meat
High levels of fat, cholesterol, and sodium can be found in red meat. Too much of these meats bring an increased risk of heart-related complications.
Foods treated with hormones
These foods can interfere with your healthy hormone levels. Don’t mess with your internal balance! Your body knows best!
Processed foods
Opt for all-natural and organic when you can. Shop local and know what you’re putting in your body.
Cured/smoked foods
These are made with nitrates and other additives that can promote disease. Plus, the process requires high heat or long smoke times that can make chemical bonds in foods unsteady, which can alter how they interact with your body.
Foods high in saturated fats and cholesterol
These foods lower the level of oxidation in the body, which can lead to oxidative stress. It’s a no-no on our end.
Fertility Diet Summary
Need a quick sparknotes to refer to when you’re at the grocery store? We got you! Below, we have summarized the main takeaways you should keep in mind when pulling products off the shelf. Foods that help with fertility are at your fingertips. As rewarding as a nutritious diet will be for your fertility, your tastebuds will be thanking you too!
Dump trans fat for monounsaturated fat!
Trans fat is sooooooo not in. Trans fat raises your bad cholesterol levels and reduces your good ones. A study even found that women who consumed higher levels of trans fat had a higher chance of becoming infertile. Opt for foods that contain monounsaturated fats like avocado, peanuts, and sesame oil.
Save the cows! For your health too
Animal protein and iron such as salmon can be good for your fertility, but limit your red meat consumption. A study found that women with a high intake of animal protein were more likely to suffer from ovulatory infertility.There are plenty of vegetarian alternatives! Beans, quinoa, and seitan will keep you satisfied and full longer.
Incorporate more high fiber, low-glycaemic carbohydrate-rich foods
Fibrous, low-glycaemic foods are important for digestion, satiety, and overall reproductive health. Don’t know where to start? We recommend whole grains, chickpeas, apricots, carrots, and green peas! Hit two toxins with one bite by knocking out your greens too!
Let’s face it - sometimes we just need that extra push when it comes to our health. That’s where multivitamins come in! It’s important to supplement your diet with some actual supplements. We recommend taking Vitamin A, C and E and iron during your fertility journey.
We’ll take all the fat we can get!
Leave all the fat in that glass - your reproductive health will thank you! Research found that women who consumed high-fat dairy products once a day or more reduced the risk of infertility by 25 percent. Ice cream, mature cheeses, and butter - you won’t find us complaining here!
Eating to Conceive Has Never Been Easier!
A diet to increase fertility should be enjoyable and stress-free to implement. Knowledge is the key to improving your health.
Uncover which personal products are exposing you to phthalates. Receive personalized fertility-friendly product recommendations and health insights.
Empower yourself to live a healthier future by learning what else might be affecting your health. Participate in Million Marker’s Detect & Detox Test Kit + Lifestyle Audit and rediscover a natural, healthier you.
[1] https://www.greenchildmagazine.com/phthalates-in-food-how-to-reduce-your-exposure/
[2] https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/22-high-fiber-foods#What-is-fiber
[3] https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2007/02/070228064902.htm
[4] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4172634/
[5] https://www.glamour.com/story/foods-that-increase-fertility
[6] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8201164