Wondering how to increase sperm count?
Boost your sperm levels by eliminating harmful environmental toxicants like BPA and phthalates, improving nutritional intake, and reducing stress. Taking supplements and talking to doctors about current medications may also support healthy sperm levels. Every little bit helps. Over the past 50 years, human sperm counts have fallen by more than 50% globally, with the rate of decline accelerating in recent years [1]. With this drop in sperm count, how to enhance male fertility is at the forefront of many growing family’s minds. Nurture the family of your dreams by learning how to improve sperm health with these male fertility tips!
Why Is Low Sperm Count An Issue?
It's understandable to feel concerned about reproductive health, especially in light of rising infertility rates that have impacted many couples [2]. With approximately 1 in 6 couples affected by infertility, it's clear that sperm count plays a critical role in successful conception [3]. Not to mention, sperm levels naturally decline when males enter their 30s.
However, the importance of sperm count extends beyond fertility alone. Low sperm count can indicate underlying medical issues that require attention. By exploring the complex factors that contribute to low sperm count, such as lifestyle, environmental factors, and genetics, we can gain a more comprehensive understanding of overall well-being. From there, you may receive the answers you need as to how to boost male sperm!
What is a Good Sperm Count?
Empowering your journey to parenthood starts with understanding the vitality of your swimmers! Before learning how to increase sperm count, it’s a good idea to have an understanding as to what an optimal sperm count is in the first place.
Generally, a "good" sperm count is considered to be around 15 million or more sperm per milliliter of semen [4]. However, a healthy sperm count is about more than just numbers - it's about championing the quality of your team.
These swimmers’ shape (morphology), movement (motility), and overall vitality play crucial roles in their health. Think of sperm as a sports team. You need both a full lineup and top-notch players to win the game!
Thankfully, you have the power to boost both the quantity and quality of your sperm. Balancing these two aspects is key to successful conception, and understanding this can provide invaluable insights into your reproductive potential.
How Can I Tell If I've Got a Low Sperm Count?
If you've been at it for a while now and still haven't heard the pitter-patter of tiny feet, there is a chance you may have a low sperm count. In such cases, seeking professional guidance and undergoing a semen analysis test becomes especially crucial.
This comprehensive examination provides concrete data about sperm count, morphology, and motility. These exams can be useful for physicians to determine if infertility is male-factored or female-factored. From there, you can make more educated decisions about your fertility plan.
What Causes a Low Sperm Count?
Unleashing your reproductive power begins with understanding the forces that can affect it. Oligospermia, or low sperm count, might sound like a scary word, but it's just a speed bump on your journey to optimal fertility. It's not a dead end but a call to action!
A low sperm count can stem from a multitude of factors that impact male reproductive health [5]. Both lifestyle and environmental factors can significantly diminish sperm production and quality.
Understanding the multifaceted nature of these contributing factors is crucial in determining how to improve male fertility. The following is a more in-depth look into some common factors affecting sperm count.
Smoking is bad news for your sperm [6]. The toxins present in cigarette smoke, such as nicotine and other harmful chemicals, can impair sperm motility and morphology, leading to decreased fertility potential.
Smoking also creates something called Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs), specifically benzene. Inhaling these chemicals can stress out your body and damage the DNA of your sperm, which can lower their quality.
Ditch the beer bottle for a baby bottle. Excessive alcohol consumption can have detrimental effects on sperm health and sperm count [7]. Think of alcohol as a party crasher for your hormones. It can mess with your body's balance, leading to less testosterone - the hormone that helps make sperm.
Alcohol also affects how well your liver works, making it harder for your body to get rid of toxic chemicals. Over time, drinking a lot of alcohol can cause oxidative stress. This is like a rough game of soccer for your sperm's DNA, causing damage that makes conception challenging.
Need another reason to say “no” to drugs? Recreational drug use can profoundly impact sperm health and sperm count [8]. Long-term use of recreational drugs like cannabis, cocaine, and heroin can also lower men's sperm count and reduce the chances of having a healthy baby.
Even marijuana use has been associated with reduced sperm count, altered sperm morphology, and impaired motility.
Certain Medications
Certain medications, including various prescription drugs, can influence sperm health and sperm count. Medications like antidepressants, antihypertensives, chemotherapy, and immunosuppressants may lead to decreased sperm count [9].
Additionally, undergoing testosterone replacement therapy can actually reduce sperm count, as exogenous testosterone can suppress the body's natural production of sperm [10].
It's important to note that the impact of these medications on sperm health and count can vary from individual to individual. If you're considering any medication that could affect your reproductive health, consulting with your doctor can help you make informed choices about your fertility journey.
High Testicular Heat
We finally have the answer to the long-debated boxers vs. briefs arguments. Boxer wearers can have up to a 25% higher sperm count than brief wearers [5].
Don’t boil the fishies while they’re swimming! Tight underwear naturally increases testicular temperature. However, sperm flourishes 5.4 degrees Fahrenheit lower than the average body temperature.
Speaking of your undies, it’s time for a makeover. Many underwear brands have high concentrations of phthalates, a chemical that can disrupt testosterone levels [6,7].
Opt for chemical-free underwear, like Fuzzy Logic USA. For those who are looking for a budget-friendly way how to increase male fertility, you can always go commando!
Avoid Steroids
Anabolic steroids, the artificial hormones some people use to build bigger muscles or improve sports performance, can really mess with your sperm [12]. They throw your body's natural hormone balance out of whack, which can lead to fewer sperm being made.
These steroids can hold back the production of two important hormones - follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH). These hormones are like the coaches for your sperm, guiding their development. Without the optimal amounts of LH and FSH, your sperm might not be as good quality, they might not move as well, and there might not be as many of them.
Learning how to increase sperm count starts with working on yourself from the inside. One of the most effective ways to achieve this is by working on stress management.
Imagine your body as a super busy office where hormones are the workers. When everything's calm, they're able to do their job properly, including making top-quality sperm. But when stress steps in, it's like a fire drill - everything gets chaotic.
Stress can bring along boatloads of cortisol - a hormone that, when in high levels, can throw things off balance [13]. This chaos can lead to less production of testosterone, the boss of sperm development, affecting the number and quality of your little swimmers.
But stress doesn't stop there. It also brings along inflammation and something called oxidative stress - kind of like office gossip that spreads negativity. This can mess with the way your sperm move and even damage their DNA.
So, if you want to keep your sperm in good shape, finding ways to deal with stress can be a game-changer. This could be anything from yoga and meditation to taking a walk in the park or even just reading a good book. So, kick back, relax, and let your hormones get back to work!
Foods to Avoid
Pretend your body is a high-performance car, and your sperm is the engine. Just like you wouldn't fill a sports car with low-grade fuel, you should avoid certain foods to keep your "engine" running at its best.
So, if you’re wondering, “How can you increase sperm count?” The right fuel is essential for getting more miles per gallon…and sperm per ejaculation.
Think of pesticides on food as the dirt in your fuel [14]. They can contain nasty chemicals that mess with your hormones and slow down sperm production. It's like pouring sand into your gas tank!
Processed and packaged foods can be just as bad. Packaging typically contains bisphenols, such as BPA. BPA can contaminate the foods you eat.
This toxic chemical is an imposter pretending to be estrogen. High levels of estrogen could potentially throw off sperm counts.
In addition, you may want to stay away from estrogenic foods which contain natural plant estrogens. Common estrogenic foods include soy, flaxseeds, and dried fruit. Hops are also very high in plant estrogens, so consider cutting down on beer!
Sperm-Killing Chemicals to Avoid
Environmental toxicants are widespread in modern products and have contributed to a 50 percent decline in sperm counts over the last 40 years, making them an important factor to address [1]. Reduce your exposure to substances with hormone-disrupting chemicals, including bisphenols, parabens, and phthalates (often found in fragrances) [16].
Even everyday items can contain stuff like oxybenzone and petroleum jelly, which might mess with your sperm. To make sure everything you use is good for your fertility, it's important to choose your products wisely.
Check out our Approved Products Page for help picking products that don't have these harmful chemicals. By staying informed and making smart choices, you can do your part to keep your sperm healthy and support a lifestyle that's good for your reproductive health.
How Can You Increase Your Sperm Count Naturally?
Want to know how to increase sperm count? You’re not alone! Enhancing sperm count naturally is a goal many men seek to achieve for improved reproductive health. A holistic approach encompassing lifestyle adjustments and dietary changes can prove beneficial.
Such modifications could include:
- Engaging in regular exercise and maintaining a healthy weight.
- Prioritizing using supplements and a balanced diet rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals.
- Getting adequate sleep.
- Combining the proactive steps and lifestyle adjustments suggested here to hasten their potential impact.
- Avoiding falling victim to myths surrounding sperm count.
- Speaking with a doctor to rule out or address any underlying health issues.
- Reducing your exposure to endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs), like BPA, phthalates, and parabens.
By adopting these natural strategies, men can proactively enhance their sperm count and overall reproductive well-being.
How Exercise Improves Your Sperm Count
Want to learn another affordable way how to improve your sperm? Exercise regularly!
Get that dadbod by starting with a fit bod. Regular exercise is really important for increasing sperm count and keeping your reproductive system healthy.
When you work out, it helps blood flow better, bringing nutrients and oxygen to your testicles, which helps make more sperm.
Exercise also helps you keep a healthy weight and balance your hormones, both of which are key for making healthy sperm to increase male fertility. In addition, doing Kegel exercises can even help you have stronger ejaculations, which helps release more sperm during sex.
Use Diet to Increase Your Sperm Count
Eating a nutritious, balanced diet can help increase your sperm count and keep your reproductive system healthy. If you eat foods that are packed with antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals, it can help make more high-quality sperm.
These nutrients help DNA copy itself correctly, balance your hormones, and keep sperm strong and healthy. By eating lots of fruits, veggies, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats, you're giving your body the right ingredients to make more, better sperm. This goes hand in hand with avoiding certain foods to naturally increase your sperm count. Below, we'll talk about some specific foods you can eat to boost your sperm count.
Nitric-Oxide Boosting Foods
We’re sure you’d agree that erections are a pretty necessary part of the baby-making process. Erections and semen production are made possible by blood flow to the nether regions. It’s essential to keep these pathways clear of cholesterol and fats that can prevent blood flow.
Reopen the channels by eating foods that promote nitric oxide production. Nitric oxide is a gas that helps break up fatty deposits in the arteries that prevent blood flow. Nitric oxide-producing foods include:
- Pomegranates
- Beets
- Dark Chocolate
- Hormone-Free Meat
- Greens
Fruits and Veggies
Incorporating a generous variety of fruits and vegetables into your diet can
play a pivotal role in boosting sperm count and improving overall reproductive health [17]. These vibrant foods are rich in essential nutrients and antioxidants that provide a protective shield for sperm cells against oxidative stress.
Antioxidants, found abundantly in fruits (like berries and citrus) and vegetables (like leafy greens and bell peppers), help neutralize harmful free radicals that can damage sperm DNA and compromise their viability.
By embracing a diet abundant in colorful produce, men can supply their bodies with a spectrum of antioxidants that not only enhance sperm count but also contribute to the overall vitality and health of these essential reproductive cells.
Omega-3 Fatty Acid-Rich Foods
Eating foods that are high in omega-3 fatty acids can help increase your sperm count and keep your reproductive system healthy. Foods like seafood, chicken, nuts, whole grains, fish, and fruits all have a lot of omega-3s and are good for your sperm.
According to a study by Reuters Health, men who eat these foods might have up to 43 million more sperm than men who don't eat them as much [18]. Omega-3s are known for reducing inflammation, which can help balance your hormones, make your sperm move better, and improve the overall quality of your sperm.
By eating a diet that's high in omega-3s, you can take care of your sperm health and might see big improvements in your sperm count and overall reproductive health.
Foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids include:
- Extra virgin olive oil
- Wild-caught salmon
- Walnuts
- Egg yolks
- Oysters
- Chia seeds
Increase Vitamin C & D Intake To Support a Higher Sperm Count
Elevating vitamin C and vitamin D intake can play a pivotal role in bolstering sperm count and promoting enhanced reproductive health [19, 20]. These essential vitamins are known to contribute to various aspects of sperm development and function.
Vitamin C-Rich Foods
Vitamin C is a strong antioxidant that can protect sperm cells from damage caused by harmful free radicals. It helps reduce stress on the cells and keeps the genetic material in the sperm safe, which improves the quality of the sperm.
This can lead to an increased sperm count and better movement of the sperm. Eating foods that are high in vitamin C can be very beneficial for this purpose.
Here are some foods that have a lot of vitamin C:
- Citrus Fruits (Oranges, Grapefruits)
- Berries (Strawberries, Blueberries)
- Bell Peppers
- Broccoli
- Kale
- Papaya
- Brussels Sprouts
- Guava
- Kiwi
- Mango
Vitamin D-Rich Foods
Vitamin D is important for maintaining a healthy sperm count. It helps control the genes that are needed for sperm to develop properly, and it keeps hormones balanced, which is key for producing healthy sperm.
Though not many foods naturally have a lot of vitamin D, some exceptions are fatty fish like salmon, mackerel, and sardines.
You can also get added vitamin D from certain foods like fortified milk, orange juice, and cereals. But, the best way to get vitamin D is from sunlight.
When you spend time outside under the sun, your body naturally makes vitamin D. Just remember not to overdo it! If you're looking for safe sunscreen, check out the options on our website.
Supplements for a Higher Sperm Count
Take charge of your reproductive health by taking supplements [21]. Some supplements have been proven to help with healthy sperm production.
Using too much of them or using them the wrong way could cause problems. It's always important to talk to a doctor before starting any new supplement routine.
The best approach is to combine a healthy diet with the right supplements under the supervision of a healthcare provider. This can help increase your sperm count and improve your overall reproductive health. Let's take a look at some important supplements below.
Nigella Sativa Seeds
Black seed or black cumin, also known as Nigella Sativa seeds, might help increase sperm count. These seeds are full of antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals, which are all good for reproductive health. Studies show that the active ingredients in black cumin seeds can improve both the amount and quality of sperm [22].
Folic Acid
Folic acid is a B-Vitamin important for creating cells and DNA, and it might also help increase sperm count. It's vital for reproductive health because it helps sperm form and mature properly [23].
Horse Chestnut
Horse chestnut extract, which comes from the seeds of the horse chestnut tree, might help increase sperm count. Although more research is needed, horse chestnuts are known to improve blood circulation and reduce inflammation [24]. Better blood flow to the reproductive organs could help create healthier sperm. But remember, always check with a doctor before starting any new supplement or herbal remedy, including horse chestnut.
L-carnitine, a compound similar to an amino acid, might help increase sperm count and improve sperm quality. It helps cells make energy, including sperm cells and supports their growth and normal function [25]. L-carnitine is found in semen and is thought to make sperm move better, which can help them reach the egg for fertilization. Some studies suggest that taking L-carnitine supplements could improve things like sperm count and movement.
Panax Ginseng
Panax ginseng, an herbal remedy made from the root of the ginseng plant, might help increase sperm count. This herb is thought to have many health benefits, including possibly improving reproductive health. Some studies suggest that Panax ginseng could help increase sperm production, make sperm move better, and improve overall sperm quality [26]. However, while these early results are encouraging, more research is needed to fully understand how much it can help increase sperm count.
Coenzyme Q10
Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) is an antioxidant that our bodies naturally produce. It helps our cells make energy and protects them from damage by harmful molecules. Studies suggest that taking CoQ10 supplements might help improve things like sperm count, movement, and overall quality [27].
This essential nutrient is crucial for sperm production, development, and function [28]. Adequate zinc levels are linked to optimal hormonal balance, which in turn supports healthy sperm production. Research suggests that zinc supplementation may lead to improvements in sperm parameters, including count and motility. Foods rich in zinc, such as lean meats, nuts, seeds, and whole grains, can contribute to meeting daily requirements.
Improve Your Sleep Routines
Having a good sleep routine can help improve sperm count and overall reproductive health. Our body's internal clock, or circadian rhythm, controls many body processes. It’s also very important for making sperm.
Studies suggest that if our sleep patterns are disrupted, it could change our hormone levels and affect sperm quality [29]. So, getting regular and good-quality sleep helps keep our body's internal clock in sync. This can support the right balance of hormones and healthy sperm production.
How Can You Increase Your Sperm Count Faster
Increasing sperm count faster involves a combination of the proactive steps and lifestyle adjustments we’ve already discussed. Prioritizing a nutrient-rich diet abundant in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals, such as vitamin C and omega-3 fatty acids, can positively impact sperm production and quality.
Regular exercise, particularly incorporating strength training and aerobic activities, supports hormonal balance and healthy circulation to the reproductive organs. Adequate sleep and effective stress management are crucial, as sleep deprivation and chronic stress can disrupt hormonal equilibrium and compromise sperm health.
Additionally, considering supplements like folic acid, L-carnitine, and zinc under professional guidance can further aid sperm development and count. Paying attention to factors such as maintaining a healthy weight, avoiding excessive alcohol and tobacco use, and practicing safe sun exposure for adequate vitamin D are essential components for optimizing reproductive health.
By using all these strategies together, men might see faster improvements in their sperm count and overall reproductive health. However, everyone is different, so it's a good idea to talk to a healthcare professional for advice that fits your personal needs.
Sperm Count Myth Busting
Understanding the truth or misconceptions surrounding sperm count is crucial for an accurate understanding of reproductive health. One common idea involves the belief that excessive cell phone usage directly harms sperm count due to electromagnetic radiation. While more data is needed, some studies suggest a potential link between cell phone usage and decreased sperm quality [30].
Another prevailing myth suggests that engaging in frequent sexual activity can diminish sperm count. Contrary to this notion, research indicates that regular sexual activity doesn't significantly affect sperm count. In fact, ejaculating regularly may even promote healthier sperm by preventing the accumulation of older, less motile sperm [31].
It's essential to base our understanding of sperm count on reliable scientific information rather than succumbing to unsubstantiated beliefs, ensuring a more informed approach to reproductive health.
Other Factors For Improved Male Fertility
Achieving improved male fertility involves addressing various factors that can influence reproductive health. If low sperm count persists despite lifestyle changes, it may be indicative of underlying medical conditions. Those factors could include:
- Sperm Disorders: Conditions affecting sperm morphology (shape) or motility (movement) can impact fertility, making it challenging for sperm to reach and fertilize the egg.
- Varicoceles: Enlarged veins in the scrotum, known as varicoceles, can raise scrotal temperature and affect sperm production, potentially leading to fertility issues.
- Retrograde Ejaculation: In this condition, semen is redirected into the bladder during ejaculation instead of being expelled outward, reducing the amount of viable sperm released during intercourse.
- Immunologic Infertility: The immune system may sometimes mistakenly target and attack sperm, hindering their function and causing infertility.
- Obstruction: Blockages or obstructions in the reproductive tract can prevent sperm from reaching the seminal fluid, impacting fertility.
- Hormones: Hormonal imbalances, including low testosterone levels, can disrupt sperm production and contribute to male infertility.
- Medication: Some medications, such as certain antihypertensives or treatments for cancer, can interfere with sperm production and fertility. Consulting a doctor about potential side effects is essential.
If you have any concerns about your reproductive health, make sure to consult a healthcare professional to rule out these or other potential issues and receive personalized guidance.
Show Toxic Substances the Door
Discover how to increase sperm count naturally with Million Marker's Detect & Detox Test Kit + Lifestyle Audit. This mail-in urine test kit provides you with a personalized Chemical Exposure Report that helps you make health-conscious and chemical-free decisions.
Changing your daily routine is the key for how to improve the quality of sperm. Million Marker points you in the right direction!
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