Beauty Product Ingredients to Avoid When Pregnant
Reading is fundamental, especially when it comes to health. Determine whether you are using any unsafe beauty products during your pregnancy. Learn to browse for these ingredients!
Say No To These!
Protect the health of your future family. Upgrade your beauty routine by downgrading these toxic beasts.
Chemicals in beauty products to avoid during pregnancy:
High-Dose Retinoids - Common acne treatments that contain high doses of retinoids such as Accutane and Retin-A have been linked to birth defects [1].
High-Dose Salicylic - High doses of salicylic acid (such as facial peels) should be avoided [2,3].
Hydroquinone - Skin-lightening agent with absorption rate up to 45%, seems safe in small doses, but further research is needed on large exposures [4].
Phthalates - These chemicals give cosmetics plasticity that may disrupt male children’s reproductive development [5].
Formaldehyde - Preservative that has been linked to an increased risk of fertility related problems and miscarriages [6].
BPA - Cosmetic products with BPA should be avoided during pregnancy because their use has been linked to developmental and behavioral issues in fetuses [7].
Glam Up with These Pregnancy-Safe Beauty Products
Rejuvenating your beauty routine shouldn’t be stressful. Remember, stress causes breakouts!
So, fear not! Below, we have listed some great alternatives that are safe to use during your pregnancy.
We know non-retinoid treatments are a major need, especially since pregnancy can trigger hormonal acne:
We recommend these gentle and pregnancy-approved moisturizers:
And what about those lashes? Glow up with:
Pregnancy can be stressful, and sometimes a good cleanser is what you need to feel fresh:
Beautiful Body, Beautiful Pregnancy
You don’t need to sacrifice your beauty products to have a safe pregnancy. You might have some keepers in there!
Learn about other chemicals you may be exposed to that you should be avoiding with Million Marker’s Detect & Detox Test Kit + Lifestyle Audit.
Discover which beauty products might be making conception challenging. Receive pregnancy-friendly product substitutions. Not only will you look good, you’ll feel good, too!
[1] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3602257/
[2] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3114665/
[3] https://europepmc.org/article/med/23430167
[4] https://www.cfp.ca/content/57/6/665.full
[5] https://pediatrics.aappublications.org/content/121/2/e260
[6] https://www.cdc.gov/niosh/topics/repro/formaldehyde.html
[7] https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2018/03/180318144901.htm