H2-Uh-Oh for the Ocean
Live sustainably to improve your health and the environment. Limit your use of plastic to reduce ocean pollution. One study found that there are [1]:
24.4 trillion pieces of microplastics in the world's upper oceans. -
These microplastics weigh up to 578,000 tons in total.
This mass is equivalent to 500 million plastic water bottles.
Be conscious of what you're purchasing. These items inevitably end up in a landfill, where they can be blown into our waters.
Sun your body, not plastic bottles. Microplastics in landfills have high sun exposure. UV rays can heat the plastic, causing harmful chemicals to enter the atmosphere.
Refreshing and Toxic-free is the Way to Be
Nourish your body with water rather than harm it. A 2017 report analyzed 159 water samples in 14 countries. 80% of samples found microplastics in tap water and bottled water [2].
Water can get contaminated in many ways, including:
Runoff from fire hydrant foam
Sewer overflows
Larger plastic pieces degrading
Washing down our drains and into water supply
Bottled water and cap pollution
Hydrate on the go without using plastic bottles. 94% of U.S. samples used in this study found microplastics in bottled water.
Cross bottled water off of your grocery list. An LA Times report found that the most mass-produced water companies (like Pepsi and Coca-Cola) use tap water [3].
Not only are there microplastics in many tap water supplies, but the water is bottled in plastic, like BPA. BPA is a known endocrine disruptor. Reclaim your health by taking clean water into your own hands.
Detox from Microplastics in Water
Improve your quality of life with proper hydration. Drink at least eight glasses per day. Optimize your wellness by making sure there are no microplastics in your drinking water.
Studies show that microplastics may:
Cause inflammation
Cause stress on healthy cells
Negatively impact the nervous system
Disturb metabolism
Increase the risk of cancer
Relax with a refreshing glass of toxic-free water. Reduce your exposure to microplastics to live a healthier life.
Say goodbye to microplastics in drinking water and the ocean. Revitalize your body and the environment with these Million Marker Approved recommendations:
Contact your local water supplier for a water safety report.
Work to remove microplastics from water with Million Marker Approved Water Filters.
Drink up with style by using reusable water containers.
Save the reefs and your skin with Million Marker Approved Sunscreens.
Spruce up the house with plastic-free cleaning supplies, especially when washing clothes.
Purchase your clothes at second-hand stores rather than on Amazon.
Test your water with My Tap Score.
Reduce your use of all plastic to prevent overflowing landfills.
Detox your water and your body. Learn what's inside your body with Million Marker.
Test your body for levels of BPA and other toxic chemicals that leach into your water, food, and more. Discover which of your everyday items are increasing your toxic load. Receive the guidance you need to personalize your detox journey. Start your road to wellness with Million Marker's Detect & Detox Test Kit.
[1] https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2021/10/211027122120.htm#
[2] https://orbmedia.org/invisibles-final-report
[3] https://www.latimes.com/business/story/2021-09-28/bottled-water-is-really-just-tap-water
[4] https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0048969720374039