Everyday Toxic Chemicals
Toxic chemicals can be man-made or naturally occurring, and they affect the human body in unhealthy ways. Many of these chemicals affect the endocrine system. You can read more about toxic chemicals and how they might affect your health in our blog posts.
The endocrine system includes all the hormones in your body. Hormones are chemical
signals. They move from one part of your body to another to allow different organs to
communicate with each other and signal changes. For example, hormones from the pituitary gland travel to the ovaries to signal ovulation, and estrogen travels from the ovaries to signal changes in the brain. The endocrine system controls every system in your body, including reproduction, behavior, moods, digestion, metabolism, and growth. Thus, toxic chemicals that disrupt the endocrine system can cause problems/diseases in every area of your body.
Bisphenol A, or BPA, is a chemical that is used in hard plastic, dental fillings and sealants, food packaging, and paper receipts. Because it has so many uses, it is found in the body of almost everyone. BPA (and other bisphenols such as BPF and BPF) have been linked to infertility, obesity, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, problems with brain development in children, and more. You can learn more about BPA and how it can affect your health in our blog posts.
Phthalates are chemicals that are found in soft plastics (like shower curtains, medical tubing, and bath toys). They are also found in scented products and are a common additive to the ingredient “fragrance” in cosmetics or air fresheners. There are many types of phthalates, and they have been linked to many health effects, including feminizing male babies, birth defects, and infertility in men and women. You can learn more about phthalates and how they can affect your health in our blog posts.
Parabens are artificial, hormone endocrine-disrupting chemicals that are used in products to prevent the growth of bacteria and lengthen their shelf life. They are found in products such as cosmetics, beverages, baked goods, and packaging. Parabens’ side effects may cause abnormal thyroid hormone levels and disrupt regular thyroid functioning. Abnormal hormone levels caused by exposure to parabens such as methylparaben have been linked to infertility, and reproductive organ dysfunction, and an increase in the risk of cancer. You can learn more about parabens and how they can affect your health in our blog posts.
Oxybenzone is a frequently used UV filter and/or preservative used in sunscreens and other personal care products, as well as plastic packaging. Oxybenzone is an endocrine-disruptor and is associated with altered birth weight in human studies.
The exposome is all our exposures throughout our lifetime. These can include toxic chemicals, UV light from the sun, air pollution, nutrition, etc. These exposures have more of an impact on our health and disease risk than our genetics do.
The exposome, which includes toxic chemical exposures, are responsible for as much as 70% of chronic disease risk. Even people who eat right and exercise regularly might be at risk of health problems caused by toxic chemical exposures. There are shockingly few tools available that let you understand which toxic chemicals your body has been exposed to and what you can do about it.
We created Million Marker to solve these problems. Our mission is to help people und erstand what’s in their bodies that shouldn’t be and to provide clear solutions to help people minimize their exposures.
Learn more about the risks of specific chemicals by referring to our chemical glossary.
You can be exposed to toxic chemicals through eating, breathing, drinking, or absorption through the skin. There are thousands of chemicals in everyday foods and products, and many of them are toxic.
Toxic chemicals can have a range of effects on the body. BPA, BPS, parabens, and phthalates are common toxic chemicals that can be found in everyday life. These chemicals, among others, are linked to many health problems, such as:
● Type 2 diabetes
● Fertility issues in both women and men
● Miscarriage
● Abnormal child development
● Irregular periods
● Endometriosis
● Obesity
● Cancer
Toxic chemicals can be found in the items used in daily life. Thus, everyone is at risk, particularly for those who are going through hormone fluctuations (pregnancy, child development, puberty, and menopause). The use of certain products and certain activities can heighten toxic exposures. Our Detect and Detox Kit is the only direct-to-consumer test available to determine your specific exposure to BPA, BPS, parabens, phthalates, and other endocrine-disrupting chemicals.
Check out our 5 Tips to Start Your Detox Journey. In general, it is best to avoid paper receipts, plastics, and food that is packaged in plastic or is canned. In addition, one should avoid personal care products that have “fragrance” on the ingredient list. Once you take our test, we will recommend additional ways to reduce your toxic exposures that are specific to you.
Products labeled BPA-free may not be safe. These labels are not regulated, and it’s up to the manufacturers to add them. Some of these products actually still contain BPA due to contamination or false marketing. Others may contain chemicals very similar to BPA, such as BPS and BPF. These alternatives to BPA have the same harmful effects. Avoiding plastic products is a good way to avoid BPA.
Click here for a list of Million Marker Approved Products that are free from toxic chemicals.
Vitamins and supplements can be contaminated with toxic chemicals and/or contain phthalates in their coatings. If you are worried about your supplements, it is best to contact the manufacturer and get tested to determine your exposure.
Not necessarily! Many naturally occurring chemicals, like arsenic, are toxic or harmful to humans. We recommend you visit our blog and chemical glossary to learn more about which chemicals are safe.
We recommend you search whether the chemical you’re looking to learn more about has information listed on our chemical glossary. You can also contact us for specific questions about chemicals.
Approved Products
We go through a rigorous process to ensure that each product is up to Million Marker standards. Products have been cross-checked with health and environment databases such as the EWG’s Skin Deep, Environment Canada Domestic Substance List, MadeSafe, and Campaign for Safe Cosmetics’ web list. Additionally, we also contact manufacturers to learn about their manufacturing process for potential contamination and materials used packaging. We also assess manufacturers’ environmental impact and sustainability. Learn more about how a product gets the Million Marker stamp of approval. If you want your products to be approved by Million Marker and added to our list, please contact us.
We approve a wide range of products including personal care and kitchen/household products. Our list conveniently sorts products by topic.
We adhere to stringent guidelines in order to make sure that the products we approve are safe for you and your family. Due to this, we cannot guarantee that other products in the same brand will pass our approval process. Contact us to see if your favorite products pass our approval criteria.
We update our list according to the newest research. Expect to see updated information on our list as new research is published!
The comprehensive list
of chemicals is available here.