What Is Ethoxylated-Phenol & Is It Safe?

Ethoxylated-phenol, also known as nonylphenols (NP) and nonylphenol ethoxylates (NPEs), are commonly used as emulsifiers in everyday items. These chemicals are toxic for the environment, and are especially dangerous to aquatic lands [1]. NP/NPEs may also be considered unsafe for young children, fetus development, and the reproductive system [2]. Million Marker recommends avoiding ethoxylated-phenol.
What Products Have Ethoxylated-phenol In Them?
Ethoxylated-phenol can be found in [2]:
House paints
Wood finishes
Paint and stain removers
Surface and drain cleaners
Toys and games
As manufacturing antioxidants they are also found in:
Lubricating oil additives
Laundry and dish detergents
Is Ethoxylated-phenol Safe?
NP/NPEs and their metabolites are highly bioaccumulative [3]. Concerns over ethoxylated-phenol have been associated with hormonal interference, as well as other negative health impacts. As endocrine disruptors, ethoxylated-phenol may influence implantation failure, pregnancy loss, and further fertility complications [2].
Health Impacts of Ethoxylated-phenol Products
Health impacts related to ethoxylated-phenol include the following [2]:
Reproductive system harm
Endocrine disruption
Skin and eye irritation
Birth defects
How to Avoid Ethoxylated-phenol
Million Marker does not consider NP/NPEs safe.
Avoid ethoxylated-phenol by:
Washing new clothes before using them with toxic-free laundry detergent, like AspenClean.
Asking manufacturers to use safer alternatives for paint mixtures.
Using ethoxylated-phenol-free dish soap, like Meliora, FIT Organic, or Etee.
Avoiding synthetic rubber, plastics, and foams.
Talk to your pharmacist about natural emulsifiers.
You can find our recommended personal care products on our Approved Products list!
[2] https://saferchemicals.org/get-the-facts/toxic-chemicals/npes-nonylphenol-ethoxylates/