Knowledge is power. Empower yourself to a healthier life by learning about toxic chemicals in your environment, foods, water, everyday products, and more! Start your detox journey by making educated decisions. Browse the Million Marker Blog Archives for practical detoxing tips!
Is new car smell toxic? The aroma of a new car smells like achievement and luxury for many. However, you're inhaling chemicals like toluene, benzene, formaldehyde, and even PFAS. Breathe in relief and lower car payments by purchasing a car at least two years old to reduce offgassing. Learn more about the chemicals that cause new car scent!
Artificial grass could contain a cocktail of chemicals including microplastics, PFAS, phthalates, and more. The sun's heat increases the risk of absorbing these chemicals. Children, pregnant women, and athletes are particularly prone to harmful chemical exposures. Here's what to do!
Many rain coats get their water-resistant qualities from PFAS. However, PFAS-free rain coats do exist! Learn how to protect yourself from the rain...and forever chemicals in your outdoor clothing!
How damaging is waterproof mascara? The waterproof action is typically due to PFAS, forever chemicals than can enter your body through your eyes. Not to mention, waterproof mascara can irritate eyes. Here's what to do instead of using mascara.
Have you heard of forever chemicals? What are PFAS and why should you avoid them as much as possible? Learn what has PFAS in it and how to minimize your exposure to these harmful human-made chemicals.
Mamavation condoms and lube study found 14% of the 29 products had high PFAS levels. Learn which lubes and condoms are high in PFAS, and which are best to use for your sexual health.
Is PFAS in fast food? If it's wrapped in something, there's a good chance! Learn how to get fast food without PFAS by checking out which restaurants to dine at...and which to avoid!
Can you be spreading forever chemicals on your toast? Some butter brands have tested high for PFAS. Discover non-toxic butter with these PFAS-free butter brands.
Wondering, "Can I sue for PFAS exposure?" Millions of people are joining a PFAS personal injury lawsuit. Learn more about the growth of PFAS class action lawsuits.