Knowledge is power. Empower yourself to a healthier life by learning about toxic chemicals in your environment, foods, water, everyday products, and more! Start your detox journey by making educated decisions. Browse the Million Marker Blog Archives for practical detoxing tips!
Is new car smell toxic? The aroma of a new car smells like achievement and luxury for many. However, you're inhaling chemicals like toluene, benzene, formaldehyde, and even PFAS. Breathe in relief and lower car payments by purchasing a car at least two years old to reduce offgassing. Learn more about the chemicals that cause new car scent!
Looking to create a non-toxic Halloween? Reimagine old costumes, pass out healthy snacks, buy low-tox costume makeup, and more. Check out these tips for low tox Halloween costumes and treats.
What is VOCs and why is it harmful? Discover the hidden dangers lurking in your everyday products, from paint to cleaning supplies. Learn how these volatile organic compounds can impact your health and the environment in ways you never imagined. Find out simple steps you can take to reduce your exposure and create a safer living space for you and your loved ones.
Artificial grass could contain a cocktail of chemicals including microplastics, PFAS, phthalates, and more. The sun's heat increases the risk of absorbing these chemicals. Children, pregnant women, and athletes are particularly prone to harmful chemical exposures. Here's what to do!
Which country bans the most chemicals? Norway, Switzerland, and Iceland are known for having some of the most strict chemical regulations. Where does America fall? Pretty far behind...Read on to learn more!
Need to filter wildfire smoke in your home? Invest in an air purifier with HEPA filters, update your HVAC system with MERV 13 filters, or build a DIY air purfier at home. Here's how!
Have you heard of forever chemicals? What are PFAS and why should you avoid them as much as possible? Learn what has PFAS in it and how to minimize your exposure to these harmful human-made chemicals.
Practice sun safety without inhaling toxic chemicals, like benzene, oxybenzone, and parabens. Glisten in some fun in the sun with the support of non-aerosol sunscreen. Here are 6 reasons why sunscreen spray is not recommended by Million Marker.
Choose mineral sunscreen for a healthier fun-in-the-sun experience. But, not all sunscreens are created equal. Here's why you should always choose non-nano zinc sunscreen over nano zinc sunscreen.
BPA and phthalates are two common toxic chemicals in personal care products, household cleaners, food wrap, and more. Even in small amounts, phthalates and BPA are harmful to humans. Here's what to do about it!