Knowledge is power. Empower yourself to a healthier life by learning about toxic chemicals in your environment, foods, water, everyday products, and more! Start your detox journey by making educated decisions. Browse the Million Marker Blog Archives for practical detoxing tips!
How do you make a house smell good by boiling water? Infuse it with natural ingredients. Follow these recipes for simmer pots that you can use all year round!
Need to filter wildfire smoke in your home? Invest in an air purifier with HEPA filters, update your HVAC system with MERV 13 filters, or build a DIY air purfier at home. Here's how!
Wondering how to clean a smelly washing machine? Without the use of bleach, ammonia or fragrances. These products contain toxic chemicals. Instead, use these tips for how to clean a washing machine with baking soda and vinegar.
Do mattresses have toxic chemicals? Unfortunately, many are made with chemicals that release with time, which we can inhale. These chemicals can lead to harmful health effects. Here's what to do to limit toxic mattress symptoms.
Shower curtains may contain toxic chemicals, including phthalates in PVC. Clean up your shower routine with these PVC-free shower curtains, and other healthy tips!
Are candles safe to use? Even unscented candles can increase air pollution in your home. Learn your least toxic options and other ways to improve the aromas in your living areas.
Recycling is just a band-aid on the overwhelming amount of plastic pollution in the environment. Learn why recycling isn't the cure-all for climate change...and why we should still do it.
Million Marker’s Detect & Detox Test Kit is most likely FSA/HSA eligible, depending on your provider. Learn about HSA vs. FSA and how to get your BPA test covered.
Silicone can be a wonderful non-toxic plastic alternative! However, some silicones are not always safe. Continue reading to learn more about the best silicones to use.