Knowledge is power. Empower yourself to a healthier life by learning about toxic chemicals in your environment, foods, water, everyday products, and more! Start your detox journey by making educated decisions. Browse the Million Marker Blog Archives for practical detoxing tips!
Bisphenol A is all around you in your environment and can disrupt your body's hormonal balance. While many of us are on a fertility journey, it affects more than just your reproductive system! Don't be overwhelmed though, we are here with a great blog to help you eliminate as much BPA as possible from your life!
Feminine hygiene products are essential to those who live with a menstrual cycle. However, these essential items can pack a toxic punch. What toxic chemicals are in feminine hygiene products? How can we avoid them? How will these chemicals affect me? What are the alternatives? Don't worry, we are here with a blog to take you through this issue and the healthy alternatives that are out there!
You may have read Part I of this blog where we discussed the gut microbiome and how toxic chemicals can affect it. Read Part II of this series where we discuss ways to test your microbiome and how to keep it healthy!
Your gut and it's bacteria are essential to your overall wellbeing. These little guys do a lot of work as we go about our day to day lives. Read on to learn more about your gut microbiome, how toxic chemicals can affect it, and how to keep it healthy!
Replacing your old favorite products with new non-toxic products can be a challenging task. We are here to help with our approved products list! Learn more about how we select the products for this list.
At certain times hand sanitizer can be essential. Especially since the occurrence of the COVID-19 pandemic. However, some hand sanitizers may contain toxic chemicals. Find out more about how to avoid toxic chemicals in your hand sanitizers.
COVID-19 has affected all of our lives. While we unfortunately do not provide at home test kits, this blog keeps updated information regarding at home COVID testing. Read on to learn more!
During your detox journey, it can be overwhelming to pick through the ingredients labels on products. Use this blog as a helpful guide on how to read through product labels, label pros and cons, and how to pinpoint greenwashing!
No one want to be sick! Therefore it is important to maintain a healthy immune system. The immune system protects us from disease and becoming sick. However, toxic chemicals can disrupt this system leading to allergies and autoimmune diseases. Read on for more information!
You cannot walk into a convenience store without seeing something in plastic packaging. Plastic packaging is abundant in our environments. However, plastics contain chemicals that are not only harmful to human bodies but that are also harmful to the environment as well. Read this blog to learn more about how plastics effect the body and how to avoid them.